
Made by Italian artisans
B.B.: “Umbria has amazing local materials, such as ancient oak, travertine, marble and, those living here know the best way to work it and use it. Most hill towns were renowned for specialising in a specific craft and today their descendants still practise with amazing knowledge and care. I like to take my designs to these specialists, work alongside them to create a prototype and then see their precise skills realise my vision.” All the designs use materials sourced in Italy, most in the immediate vicinity of Reschio. These are then transformed by Benedikt’s carpenters, blacksmiths, stone masons and upholsterers


Whimiscal pieces inspired by the fairground to furniture with gravitas: the entire range uses local resources made by Italian artisans
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The nostalgia of a previous era and the technology of the next century combine for our exclusive range of lighting
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Sometimes a spot of colour will electrify a corner or an extra piece is needed to unify the whole design
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Nencia first came to Reschio to paint a series of trompe l’oeil in one of the early houses on the estate. Her walled garden depicting, lizards and song birds adorn a garden room